
Our orthodontic clinic is housed in a privately owned space fully designed for the exclusive use of its specific purpose, located at a prime location on the wealthiest avenue of the city.
It measures 180 sq. meters and consists of four (4) main rooms: (1) a living room and reception area, (2) examination room, (3) office – consultation room, (4) ancillary room used as a locker room and laboratory.
The examination room has seven (7) orthodontic chairs fully-equipped and configured according to the law.
An additional orthodontic chair located in the office-consultation room is used for examining new patients and for planing the method of treatment.
There are two airtight negative pressure chambers in the examination room. The existence and the installation of these chambers is a unique novelty that has not been found in any other orthodontic clinic in the country nor beyond.
Each chamber has the ability to blast 500m3 of air per hour from the chamber room toward the environment, replacing the air of the chamber with clean air every two minutes per hour.
In the field of sterilization, modern technological means are used such as, autoclave tool oven, UV lamps for disinfection of plastic accessories, and glutaraldehyde baths for chemical sterilization of plastics and consumables.
Our clinic has a laboratory for producing orthodontic devices, large storage spaces for consumable items, three bathrooms (each for the Doctor, personnel, and for the public) and a very spacious functional room for the movement of personnel and patients.